Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ways To Become A Better Person

CNN had an article up today listing 10 ways to become a better person. So me and my sidekick went ahead and created our own lists of ways we think YOU and I can work on being better people (that is if you care to better yourself)!!!


Don’t expose others to your annoying habits. If you bite your nails, pick your nose, scratch your balls, put your hand down your pants, wear strong perfume, hum in the office, tap your foot, tell awful jokes – (add yours here) – don’t do it! These small annoyances might be ruining someone else’s day and they may be too polite to tell you that you are driving them insane! Take hints from those around you and try to keep your bad habits at a minimum!

Be a good friend. Nowadays everyone is busy with their blackberry-calendar-don’t-have-the-time lives – jobs, husbands/wives, kids, second jobs, and gym classes. We can all create our laundry lists of what keeps us from picking up the phone or sending an email to check in on a friend. It is only in times or turmoil or times when it is too late that we realize what we should have been a better friend. Think about those friends who mean something to you and FIND THE TIME to keep them present and up-to-date on not just your life but theirs.

Don’t be so quick to judge. It is in our nature to judge the outfit, the attitude, the man on her arm. The car they drive, the job they have, the complaints they make. If only they knew that their life was really so much easier then ours! But who are we to judge? We never know the whole story of an individual – how their life, past or present, has impacted their behavior and outlook. So listen instead of assuming!

Thank God at least once everyday. On your worst day when you feel like giving up, when you can’t find purpose in your life, when you are angry and mad and don’t think you can bare one more day – Thank God for what you do have.

Exercise. It is good for your body, brain and confidence.


Post 5 things about you that you like about yourself on the walls in your room. It will make you feel better, not only about yourself, but also what you could provide to others.

Self-reflect by writing in a journal—there is always something you could change about yourself---no one is perfect.

Do one kind act everyday to a family member, friend, significant other, or even a stranger. Pay it forward!

Smile more. If you smile more, you will automatically attract great energy from others.

Everyday write down at least five things you would to accomplish that day. Sometimes people go through the day and don’t realize how much they have done or achieved that day because it might seem like little things, but trust me, it means a lot to something or someone!

What do you think are some ways to become a better person?